|Layer 0 Blockchain||Create your blockchain network with Chaincorn|

Create your blockchain network with Chaincorn


The gamer changer or might be gamble
As most of you guys might have known we don't like to invest in new but only few does and those people are the game changers, just like chaincorn a new kind of layer 0 Blockchain indtroduced

Chaincorn — one–click decentralisation

Chaincorn mainnet is intended to be a layer-0 network on the basis of which literally anyone will be able to start their own subnetwork, and further, a decentralised application or smartcontract. Building a subnet will be similar to the process of creating a website using a web page generator. The creator’s task will only be to have an idea and then to ‘click out’ their own second layer blockchain based on it. A subnet of this type — unlike other first layer blockchains — will have very high autonomy. This is mainly about maintaining your own subnet. At the same time, however, by integrating with Chaincorn’s parent blockchain, it will remain compatible with other subnets, which in turn ensures interoperability and bridges all the second layers of the mainnet

In fact, it takes a lot of clicks here. But that doesn’t change the fact that this is a major step forward in terms of broadening adoption and making it easier to participate in the development of blockchain technology. At this point, fairly extensive programming skills are required to create your own token — even more so if it’s to be more than just another coin in the Ethereum network’s depths. Chaincorn plans to abolish the current standards

You can already buy the chaincorn token from pancakeswap but try doing your own research and invest wise as I'm not a financial advicor

You can become their pioneer by 
Applying link
With awesome rewards as well guys

Their road map

Network as a service
We are building a flexible and scalable infrastructure for blockchain networks. The aim of the project is to reduce the cost of the network while maintaining high standards of security, easy scalability, stability and the ability for different blockchain networks to intermingle

#chaincorn #crnx #blockchain #layer0 #cryptogrammar


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